Learning with board games

We have spiced up some of our classroom resources and this is the new favourite - our circles and squares board game. We love it and so do the teachers we train! 
To play, you just draw a simple board game template, with circles and square (you can add ladders and arrows - like snakes and ladders - to add another element to the game). 

Make cards to go with the game: pieces of paper cut out with circles/squares on one side and sounds/words on the other side. To make the game more versatile I have four numbers on the back of our playing cards: number 1 is the sound, 2 is a real word with the sound in it, 3 is a made-up word with the sound in it and 4 is a made-up word (e.g.: 1, ir, 2. sir, 3. gir, 4. some). 

Roll the dice and move your counter, if you land on a circle then you pick up a ‘circle card’ and read it; if you land on a square space then another learner will pick up a ‘square card’ and read it to you, you have to write what they read. If you get it correct, you move forward, if you don't, then you stay where you were. The first one to reach the star is the winner.  

You can change the cards as you progress through the sounds and also suggest that you play different 'card numbers' for different days. For example, you might say today we are only playing game number 3: with made-up words. 

Try it out. It's a hit! Perfect for revision of sounds and blending practise. 

Supervisors and co-ordinators of Speed Schools in Gulu practising the 'Circle and Square' board game during a holiday training session. 

Supervisors and co-ordinators of Speed Schools in Gulu practising the 'Circle and Square' board game during a holiday training session. 

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