Our Mission and Goals
To ensure that the children of Uganda learn to read and write in the early years of their education, READ for Life aims to improve literacy instruction in Ugandan classrooms by:
o Implementing synthetic Phonics instruction
o Assessing the quality of literacy instruction by using the Early Grade Reading Assessment
o Developing a reading program that is specific to this culture following international research in reading methodology.
o To further develop age-appropriate, culturally sensitive literacy teaching materials that will both engage and motivate children.
o To enhance the professional development of Gulu primary school teachers and education of students at local colleges, through a phonics training program that provides them with the skills to teach phonics for reading and writing to children.
o Training local trainers to be mentors and model teachers.
o To further assure sustainability of the project by assisting teachers on how to include phonics within their existing curriculum and timetable.
o Advocating for improvement in the national curriculum and the addition of explicit reading instruction.
o To monitor and evaluate the project, including feedback from the teachers and schools, so that any necessary revisions can be made that tailor to teacher and pupil needs.
o To guide nursery teachers in creative methods of instruction using local resources
o To develop a demonstration classroom equipped with locally made resources as an example and inspiration for local teachers